AKAP Accreditation Organization

ISO 24510 – Water and Wastewater Service Improvement Management System for Consumers
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ISO 24510 – Water and Wastewater Service Improvement Management System for Consumers

Further details

ISO 24510 (Water and Wastewater Service Improvement Management System for Consumers) is a standard of service with a step-by-step approach, ranging from describing the components and uses of the application (especially user expectations) to determining the level of performance with reference to the goals and management that followed the performance evaluation.

ISO 24510 provides a checklist for the assessment of water and wastewater by water service companies and their operators. These standards do not provide ‘ready-made’ practical guides, but provide tools and methods to facilitate conversation between stakeholders, enabling them to identify their local goals together.

According to the needs and expectations of the consumer the goals for these services are as follows:

Objectives covered by ISO 24510 include protecting community health, protecting the environment, establishing sustainability in water resources, anticipating services under normal and emergency conditions, and taking into account consumer needs and expectations.

As mentioned, water is a \”social good\”, so it will be very clear that the management of water supply facilities must be fully transparent in order to be understood by all stakeholders. These standards cover aspects of government such as legal requirements, information on how services operate (transparency and reliability), and the participation of all stakeholders (consumers, etc.)

ISO 24510

Benefits of ISO implementation:

– Increase customer and consumer confidence

– Increasing the quality of products/services

– Reduce waste and losses in products/services and ultimately reduce costs

– Save on consumables and increase profits

– Planning, implementation of affairs in the form of a predefined international system

– Improve performance, increase productivity and speed in affairs

– Increase efficiency and customer satisfaction

– Reducing the number of complaints

– Improvement and uniformity in the quality of products/services

– Timely delivery of products/services

– Global competition

– Prevent or reduce unexpected events

– Earning points in tenders, obtaining ranks and grades from government organizations, providing evidence in exports

Other benefits are:

– Advertising use in headers, company site and all advertising matters

– Earn points in selecting sample units

– Reduce waste and waste time

– Creating confidence inside and outside the organization

– Transparency of processes and indicators

– Ensuring that customer needs and expectations are met

– Production of product/service with better quality

– Help with more marketing and sales and create demand

– Increasing the productivity and motivation of human resources

– Correcting errors and preventing their recurrence

– Improving communication within the organization

– Prevention of non-compliant product/service production

– Develop sales methods and provide after-sales service

Related Standards

Energy Management System
ISO 50001 - Energy Management System


(HSE-MS) - Health, Safety and Environment Management System


Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System


Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management System
ISO 39001 - Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management System


Occupational Safety and Health Management System
ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
