AKAP Accreditation Organization

Occupational Safety and Health Management System
ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System
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ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Further details

ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) will help organizations improve health and safety performance and ultimately save lives.

ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) is a newly developed international standard, which outlines the requirements for occupational health and safety. The standard is applicable to organizations of all sizes, whose aim is to manage the prevention of workplace injuries, ill-health, and deaths. In addition, ISO 45001 aims to establish a safe working environment and continual improvement of occupational health and safety performance. ISO 45001 will replace OHSAS 18001 and will become the next “to go” standard for occupational health and safety.

ISO 45001, Occupational Health and Safety provides the requirements for implementing a management system and framework for reducing the risk of injury and illness to employees. This standard will be a completely desirable replacement for the OHSAS 18001 standard, and after the introduction of organizations will implement this standard and receive ISO 45001 certification.

Why is Occupational Health and Safety Management System important for you?

Regardless of what industry you are in, accidents that lead to injury or health related issues will always occur. Therefore, whether you are an employee, manager or business owner, you will always share the same goal- minimize the number of casualties at work. ISO 45001 provides you with a framework to identify, control and prevent work-related injuries.

By obtaining an ISO 45001 requirements, you will prove that you care about the well-being of employees and that you are continually making efforts to enhance their welfare. Furthermore, you will earn a globally recognized certificate on Occupational Health and Safety Management, which will prove that you are aware of the policies and processes needed to reduce work injuries. You will also gain a competitive advantage by improving your brand’s reputation and increasing your capacity.

Benefits of ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

By becoming ISO45001 certified you will be able to:

  • Reduce work-related injuries, ill -health and deaths
  • Eliminate or minimize OH&S risks
  • Improve OH&S performance and effectiveness
  • Protect and improve brand reputation
  • Transform  operations from detection to prevention mode
  • Improves compliance with current legislations

Since many organizations use ISO standards, it is much easier to integrate ISO 45001 as a safety and health tool with other standards (especially in small organizations).

ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001 Standard Differences:

These differences are more in line with ISO 45001’s focus on the functional nature of the organization, which emphasizes the role and responsibility of the leadership and senior management of the organization.

In this new standard, the organization should take a closer look at its health and safety issues and take responsibility for what the community expects.

Organizations should treat their suppliers and contractors the same way, and note that signing a contract is not a strict liability of the organization for what the contractors or suppliers do.

For example: Suppliers and contractors must also take responsibility for the impact their activities have on their neighbors in the surrounding environment. This is much broader than the focus on the internal staff of the organization.

Advantages of ISO45001:

Approximately 3.2 million people are killed each year due to occupational accidents or illnesses. Therefore, effective and robust implementation of these standards reduces the supposition of risks and consequently reduces occupational accidents and diseases. In addition to reducing the costs associated with insurance, or blood money for organizations, due to the needs and needs of individuals, a positive organizational culture is created in the organization.

ISO 45001-occupational health and safety

Benefits of ISO implementation:

– Increase customer and consumer confidence

– Increasing the quality of products/services

– Reduce waste and losses in products/services and ultimately reduce costs

– Save on consumables and increase profits

– Planning, implementation of affairs in the form of a predefined international system

– Improve performance, increase productivity and speed in affairs

– Increase efficiency and customer satisfaction

– Reducing the number of complaints

– Improvement and uniformity in the quality of products/services

– Timely delivery of products/services

– Global competition

– Prevent or reduce unexpected events

– Earning points in tenders, obtaining ranks and grades from government organizations, providing evidence in exports

Other benefits are:

– Advertising use in headers, company site and all advertising matters

– Earn points in selecting sample units

– Reduce waste and waste time

– Creating confidence inside and outside the organization

– Transparency of processes and indicators

– Ensuring that customer needs and expectations are met

– Production of product/service with better quality

– Help with more marketing and sales and create demand

– Increasing the productivity and motivation of human resources

– Correcting errors and preventing their recurrence

– Improving communication within the organization

– Prevention of non-compliant product/service production

– Develop sales methods and provide after-sales service

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